Lazy Bob

Lazy Bob is a battery-powered moving coaster system that uses a Caller and ultra-wideband sensors to accurately locate and navigate towards other system components. Equipped with obstacle detection, it ensures safe and efficient movement according to user preferences.

Team Members


Problem Statement

People with disabilities need ways to bring food from one side of the dining table to the other. The invention of the Lazy Susan or revolving tray was one solution which accomplished this, but its only application is for round tables designed to host it. By having a mobile coaster bring individual items around the table, we can accommodate any table shape. The proposed solution, Lazy Bob, plans to do just that by having a moving coaster go towards a destination once prompted by the user. By keeping track of the caller remote’s relative position and checking for cliffs and collisions, the Lazy Bob system will bring items to the user.


The Lazy Bob project's goals and specifications focus on the moving coaster's functionality and design, with a corresponding testing plan to ensure effectiveness. Functional specifications, essential for successful operation, include preventing liquid spillage, transporting items securely, detecting table edges, avoiding obstacles, arriving at the Caller accurately, and supporting up to 3 lbs. Testing involves human observation and measurements for accuracy.
Design specifications aim to enhance Lazy Bob's capabilities, such as supporting multiple callers, maintaining a coaster diameter of 25 cm, adapting to various table shapes, and notifying the Caller if no path is available. These additional features will be explored within the project's time constraints, and their effectiveness will be assessed through targeted testing methods.


Full Demonstration

Basic Avoidance