CRUISE - HVAC Diagnostic Bot

HVAC ventilation shafts have limited accessibility due to its limited size, complex mapping, and poor visibility. Obtaining diagnostic information about errors in these shafts is difficult. Our project aims to solve some of these problems by creating the HVAC Diagnostic Bot: a fully autonomous bot capable of gathering accurate diagnostic data from inaccessible places and mapping the traversed HVAC ducts.


Team Members

Problem Statement

HVAC ducts HVAC mapping HVAC visibility HVAC hazard HVAC efficiency

Limited accessibility

Complex mapping

Poor visibility

Hazardous to technicians' health

Inefficient in terms of time and cost

Rectangular, right angled ventilation shafts have limited accessibility due to their limited size, complex mapping, and poor visibility. Obtaining diagnostic information about errors in these shafts is difficult. The current methods for identifying problems in HVAC shafts are with physical access from a technician, or random estimation as to where the problem could lie. But these methods are inefficient in terms of cost and time, hazardous to the health of the technician, incomplete in its approach, inaccurate because of the randomness of approximation.


1. The robot should be able to center align itself in the HVAC duct.

2. The robot size should be concise.

3. It should return on the same path as traversed.

4. It should compute the data at the end of traversal to save resources.

5. Return completed HVAC map.

6. Diagnostic sensor readings must be reliable and accurate.



Cumulative Design Review
Mid Design Review
Preliminary Design Review